About Me

Upbeat Impulse is a web site inspired by positivity, joy, happiness, and life satisfaction. I put a lot of our effort to identify omnipresent human problems in everyday life, including work, motivation, self-confidence, health, fitness, relationships, the existential philosophy and spirituality. 

My mission is to empower, motivate, and provide the fuel for positive changes and self-improvement. By sharing my beliefs on how to cultivate positive life habits, I try to put aside negativity, doubts, and fears. I aim to show you the hidden beauty of everyday life and help you see and embrace the beauty of just being. 

mindfulness blogThe owner and creator of this website is Sonja Marinkovic, an idealist, passionate blogger, midfulness explorer, narcissistic victims advocate and psychology geek.
She is also a founder of LeadIn Therapy, a digital marketing agency for mental health professionals, helping with custom lead generation solutions.

For all the inquiries, feel free to contact me here: sonja@upbeatimpulse.com