Are you having trouble with low self-esteem? On this page, you’ll find printable self-esteem worksheets PDF. I’ll show you how to skyrocket your self-confidence using them and live the life you thought was beyond your reach.
Do you:
- Think you aren’t good enough?
- Feel anxious in all social situations?
- Feel devastated for having poor social skills?
- Believe that you cannot reach your full potential due to low self-confidence?
- Experience the initial symptoms of depression and self-neglect?
If you answered positively on one or more questions, you’re at the right place!
Keep reading my article and let it be your happy place while implementing the quick and attainable self-esteem hacks you’ll find here!
Grab a Free Resource Before You Go!

Get a free downloadable PDF file: 101 Self-Love Affirmations and develop a new and life-changing mindset now!
In this blog post, I’ll make it easier to figure out the initial steps you need to take to become more confident and track your progress. I’ll guide you along the way of your self-improvement. You’ll learn how to combat the negative self-talk, and get a daily dose of self-love.
Let’s dive in!
What are the consequences of low self-confidence?
The lack of self-esteem can be hard and painful. Insecurity doesn’t let us function properly in real life and unlock your full potential whether it’s business, relationships or something else.
That means: we feel we’re not living the life we’re supposed to live. We’re not living our full potential and that’s terrifying.
As we experience severe insecurity and low self-esteem, our quality of life significantly deteriorates. There is an almost insurmountable difference between who we are and what we could be.
Note: It is estimated that 4 out of 5 women have low self-esteem which is mainly related to the body image crisis. Almost 90% of all the females that face low self-esteem tend to avoid social activities and engaging with friends and families.
But it’s not the end of the road… And the solution might be around the corner.
Self-esteem workbook for youth PDF & Adults as a solution
Here you’ll find a self-esteem workbook for youth pdf, a valuable tool for this sensitive age group.
The tool is specifically designed for youth due to its fun and introspective approach, but anybody can use it.
I had some life coaches and mental health counselors who used this self-esteem worksheets for adults in pdf. They were satisfied.
Why use these worksheets?
Everyone needs some self-esteem boosters from time to time. That’s when self-esteem workbook for youth and adults PDF files come into use. The worksheets are a perfect way to start working on your self-confidence at your own pace.
Keep reading this post and we’ll explain it to you how to benefit from it, improve your sense of self-worth, and reach the state of self-acceptance and self-appreciation.
Worksheet FAQs:
How to benefit from printable self-esteem worksheets PDF?
As a response to ever-growing self-esteem issues and rising anxiety, I have developed a unique, effective and engaging tool to help you unveil the very reasons for your low self-confidence.
You can get to know yourself better and start combating low self-esteem on a healthy long-term basis.
The main benefit of these worksheets…
Lies in the fact that instead of going to a group session, now you can work on your self-esteem at your home, fill out the sheets by yourself and track the progress. Perhaps it’s the only therapy you need.
What’s even better, filling out this self-esteem workbook PDF can turn out to be fun!

Building self-esteem might seem daunting and futile. However, it doesn’t have to be that way.
To sum it up, the main benefits of using these worksheets are:
- a fun tool that converts tedious self-esteem boosting into an amusing, self-learning activity
- working at your own pace alone
- getting to know yourself better
- understanding the main causes of your low self-esteem
- continuous improvement
- suitable for scholars, youth, students and adults.
Therefore, this tool can be used as:
- Self-esteem workbook for youth pdf
- Self-esteem worksheets for adults pdf
- Self-esteem worksheets for elementary students pdf
- Printable self-esteem worksheets pdf for continuous self-improvement
How to know that it’s time to work on our self-esteem?
If you can resonate with the thoughts below:
You are lacking self-confidence if you feel that it suppresses you, disables you from reaching your full potential, genuine happiness, and live a fulfilled life. You may even feel depressed, with self-harm tendencies.
The moment when you realize that insecurity is limiting you and that you can not fulfill your career or relationship goals is the perfect time to start working on your self-esteem. You may seek for the therapist aid if you don’t know where to start, or you can practice self-help alone.
It’s time to start a challenging but extremely rewarding process: building self-esteem!
Why choose self-esteem worksheets among other methods of self-improvement?
What do worksheets or workbooks have all in common?
- They are self-paced tools for self-improvement
- Can be completed from the comfort of your home
- Ideal for people who find group activities counterproductive and tiresome
Like in all aspects of our life, we cannot approach this matter without a clear plan and randomly. If that’s the case, the results you aim for will not be achieved.
Self-esteem worksheets PDF files matter because you can complete from the comfort of your home at the pace you find suitable.
Sometimes, staying at your home and making progress at the pace that suits you is the only effective way to successfully combat the low self-esteem.
We’re aware that mental health is a number one priority. Therefore, I’ll guide you through the process and make this journey more exciting for you.
Self-esteem worksheets PDF – what’s in there for you?
I have prepared self-esteem worksheets PDF files composed of one PDF document you can use to work on your self-esteem and get daily self-love and self-motivation you need.
The worksheets are a comprehensive and gentle guide with the goal to help you improve your self-confidence and self-worth.
Moreover, they are helpful in setting up a proactive mindset that will help you practice positive thinking. That way, it will help you reach the state of self-appreciation and embrace positive changes.

Getting started with self-esteem workbook for Youth and Adults PDF
This guide will help you identify your strengths that you may not be aware of and use them to combat your weaknesses by defining a detailed plan.
My workbook starts with identifying the self-esteem activities for adults and youth. As you start, you’ll uncover different interesting stuff about you that you can use for your self-improvement and building your self-acceptance.
You can rework each self-esteem worksheet multiple times, as long as you feel that there is a room for improvement.
And it’s fun, by the way.
So, let’s start!
1.Step: Identify the causes of low self-esteem with introspection
What is introspection?
Introspection or self-reflection means to enter your inner world on a deep level. It helps us understand ourselves, be aware of our shortcomings, give them a real assessment, and define a plan of how to overcome that. Yes, introspection can do all of that!
Introspection helps you raise your self-awareness, build your self-motivation and practice positive thinking.
Worksheet 1 – the initial stage
First, let’s define the current state, or in other words, what is
The goal of this initial stage is to define the current state that we’re in. By defining our current state, we set firm foundations for change, because it helps us define the things that we need to change.
Knowing what I am will help me become what I may be
It’s really important to define yourself in this phase because it is a precondition to any change. How you see yourself can tell a lot about you. If you see negative things mostly, then you need to reassess your point of view on yourself. Negativity is based on negative self-talk, and our self-confidence worksheets PDF will help you develop a healthier attitude towards yourself.
What makes me happy/unhappy?
Next, define the situations and activities that make you happy and those that make you unhappy. You need to differentiate them because you need to use the first ones to invite the good vibes along your way during your changes.
The activities that make us happy have a direct effect on our mood and self-esteem
Finally, define 5 your most important strengths and weaknesses. You will use them later in the process. Use these activities as self-esteem icebreakers, since they can help you create a positive attitude towards yourself and your self-worth.
Worksheet 2 – Defining your goals
Now, we need to go one step further and define our improvement goals.
Give answers to the following questions:
“What do I want to achieve?” “In what aspects of my life am I struggling?” “What do I need to do to increase my self-confidence/business goals/relationship goals/etc?”
You can define your goals vaguely at this stage, of you can write them up in details, it’s ok.
What’s holding you back?
The second part of this worksheet is identifying what’s holding you back. What is an obstacle not letting you achieve your goals?
Focus on the internal factors you can change
It’s desirable to include the internal factors, or in other words the factors that apply to you because you can work on them during the process.
Worksheet 3 – Use one of your strengths to combat one of your weaknesses
Let’s see some action!
Now we come to the fun part. You can use one of your skills to combat one of your weakness.
It’s up to you to find a way how to use it. You can make it a fun one, or a detailed plan with clear goals.
It’s desirable to be achievable, empowering, motivating and fun, because you will want to do that often.
Sounds fun?
Why stopping there? You can use 4 of your strengths you defined at the first stage to combat 4 of your weaknesses if applicable. Hopefully, it is!
Worksheet 4 – combine your strengths and put a synergy effort to complete your life goals
Have you heard about synergy?
With synergy, some really amazing stuff can happen!
Now, you will use each of your strengths to define a plan how each of them will contribute to achieving the goals you defined in the worksheet 2.
Keep your main goal in your vision
Think about how each of them can contribute to the supreme life goal you want to achieve.
I bet that you can use each of them in a certain way. For example, if your strength is listening to other people, use your strength to find other people’s inspiring stories and learn from their experience. You probably get the point.
Worksheet 5- self-esteem growth mindset
Changing your mindset is the ultimate weapon to the high self-confidence
Now we are going to put some effort into changing our mindset so that we can bring in some positive vibes and new energy into our life.
Change your mindset
You probably keep repeating some negative mantras unconsciously. Try to define them and put them on the paper.
Then, define some positive mantras that could be applied to those negative mantras and neutralize them. They need to be inspiring, empowering, radiate joy, fulfilment, and self-confidence.
Worksheet 6 – self-esteem weekly journal
Self-esteem daily challenges
Now we’re going to bring self-esteem into your daily life, each day in a week, week by week.
No excuse to skip this…
In this phase, your task will be to add some activities to your daily routine that can boost your self-confidence. No excuses, no avoidance! It doesn’t matter if the activity seems small or insignificant, that counts too.
Some examples of how you can start
If you’re clueless about what to put in your weekly journal, I can give you some ideas. For example:
“Today I am going to smile more often than usual”
“Today I will compliment myself.”
“Today I will remind myself why I am such an awesome person.”
“Today I will wear my best outfit.”
“Today I will set new goals for my career.”
Endless possibilities
The possibilities are endless. Find the activities that resonate with you.
Keep filling it up having your goals in mind. That way you will focus on them and you’ll notice that once you have them listed up clearly it will be easier to achieve them.
You can add some notes if necessary.
Part 6 of my worksheets is composed of self-love exercises in PDF for a reason. The goal is to build personal strength and positive thinking that can help combat depression and anxiety for good. Therefore, my worksheets can be a useful tool for self-help too.
Repetition to success
You can repeat this phase as many times as you want. You can also track your progress along the way. Maybe your weekly journal will include more ambitious activities as you’re making progress. Stick to the activities you define there and watch your confidence boost uncontrollably.
Redo, redo and redo as long as you want
Also, feel free to redo any of the worksheets if your priorities and goals change. It’s ok, and it’s a part of our life journey as well.
Worksheet 7 – self-esteem goals
“Where am I now?”
The goal of the final stage is to check up your progress. You are welcome to define your own goals. However, if you don’t have clear ideas, I can help you with some suggestions.
Here are some of them that you can track:
“I smile more often”
“I am more confident in public”
“I am fully aware of my values all the time”
“I feel more comfortable when talking with other people”
“People notice positive changes in my behavior”
“I have new and positive energy”
“I feel more active”
“I feel appreciated”
“I feel the new and positive energy”
Self-esteem progress
It is desirable to redo this worksheet occasionally so that you can track your progress in time. That way you’ll know if you’re on the right track or not.
Keep track of your thoughts and emotions
Write down any notes or suggestions for improvement and use them as a guide to measuring your progress.
Ideally, you will tick more and more of your goals on this worksheet after redoing it. That means that you are doing a great job in improving your self-confidence. You can redo this sheet, or any other numerous times, as long as you feel like it.
Self-esteem worksheets PDF – Recap
To recap just a bit:
To sum it up, printable self-esteem worksheets PDF are a great way to work on your self-confidence from the comfort of your home, step by step and gain some useful insights into this matter along the way.
Are these self-esteem worksheets PDF designed for the youth too?
Absolutely! Printable PDF worksheets have gained massive popularity among the youth, and therefore, I can also call them as self-esteem worksheets for youth PDF. It’s a fun, attractive and proactive way for teenagers and adolescents to get to know themselves better and understand their needs.
My worksheets are divided into smaller sequences. It significantly makes it easier for teenagers and adolescents to follow, engage and ultimately understand themselves better. Moreover, as the process of completing my worksheets is straightforward, adolescents and teenagers can basically come to useful conclusions themselves. They’ll learn how to recognize the insecurity symptoms, and how to boost their self-esteem taking into account their own nature and preferences.
Can this worksheet be used to identify the best self-esteem activities for adults PDF?
Of course. For adults, these worksheets can be an easy-paced and effective way to identify how to boost their self-esteem taking into consideration their own needs, desires, and possibilities. Therefore, my worksheets can serve well as self-esteem activities for adults PDF guide.
My self-esteem worksheets are focused on helping adults and youth who struggle with low self-acceptance and self-worth. By implementing self-assessment and self-reflection techniques, my worksheets are designed to provide long-term benefits for your self-confidence. Also, you can get to know yourself better and remove the impediments on your personal growth journey. There lies the secret power of our product.
How to get your self-esteem worksheets?
If you don’t have a knack for self-esteem group activities and prefer your own pace and individual work, this self-esteem workbook pdf might be just for you.
Since the self-esteem worksheets are a part of my Shop section, use the link below to get access to this product and read all the details.
Simple click the link that’ll take you to the product page |